Pa Dirt

Pa Dirt


Denver, Pa
Had: 90 Wrangler, 85 CJ7, 51 Willys pickup, 94 Cherokee Sport
Have: 85 CJ7
Pa Dirt, this idea has been formulating in my mind for a while now. What would it be like to cross Pennsylvania using as little paved roads as possible? Originally, the idea started with going from the Mason Dixon line to the New York boarder. As I studied many different maps, I realized that a trip from the Delaware River to the Ohio line would allow greater usage of dirt roads (and it would be a longer trip!).
In a few weeks, I will begin the first “leg” of my journey. I am a family guy and I will be doing this solo so I will not be doing it all at one shot. If I spread it out, I think I will enjoy it more and learn things more as I go. I will be doing this trip in my 85’ CJ7 that I have owned for about 4 years. I have been upgrading it and improving it to make it reliable enough to do a trip like this. I’m more of a simplistic kind of guy. The trip will be with a soft top only. No doors and all sides zipped out. I sleep in a hammock(when I am by myself) and try to use what I have to get the job done.
Well if your trip takes you thru central Pa. (Mifflin, Snyder, Huntingdon counties) let me know and I could map you out that area thru the mountains that would keep you on dirt roads.
Thanks for the offer. I think generally I will be staying further north(less people/towns bigger woods across the whole state. I have the route mapped out so far from Stalker to Ralston. This will be the portion that I will be starting with.
This is more what I'm outfitting my Scrambler for. Can't wait to follow along.:chug: I'm in the Lehigh Valley area if needed. I'll pm you my number. I think you may have been by my place once.
I grew up in Warren County PA and remember being able to cover Forrest, Warren and most of Erie counties on dirt roads. But, I haven't lived there since I joined the Navy 17 years ago...
sounds like a cool and peaceful trip! Have fun buddy!

It's been a while since I took mine on a dirt road without challenging "hard-core" wheeling etc... Almost forget how cool and peaceful it was... except for my exhaust... not that peaceful ;):cool:
I like your plan.
I'll be keeping my eye on this thread.
Please post pictures and route information.
The countdown has begun. On Wednesday I will be leaving from work in Myerstown and driving 3 hrs to Stalker where the dirt roads will begin. I will stay at a campground right on the river Wednesday night. I plan on taking Thursday and Friday for the first leg to Ralston. At this point, it looks like plenty of time but I'm not sure what I will run into. I do want to allow plenty of time to do some exploring of side roads that look like they could be interesting. I also am gaining interest in photography so want to spend some time on that. Basically, doing all the things I dream of doing each and everyday as I stare at this same old screen and occasionally look out the window to the world out there.
Number of miles is unknown. I will keep track as I go. I'm not using the most up to date technology in planning my route. I am using google maps, a website I found that shows dirt roads in Pa and an old fashioned paper DeLorme Pennsylvania map. I will be taking a GPS but mainly as an additional guide/backup. My main guide will be the DeLorme. Also, some of the roads/trails I have marked to take are sketchy as to if they are able to be traveled or not(this is where it gets fun). Or if in route I see a more remote side trail that I can take rather than a maintained twp. dirt road I will be able to do that.
Not sure how long it will take. The first leg of the journey(as stated previously) I am taking 2+ days to do(Stalker Pa to Ralston Pa). After this is complete I will then begin planning for the rest of the state which will probably not happen till next year. Not sure if I will finish the trip in one or two legs. I figure the longer it takes the more fun I can have. Basically, the goal is the journey, not the destination.:D
Love it. It makes it even better for us that your getting into photography. Can't wait to follow this.
Well not sure I really want to divulge my secret information. Much time and effort has been put into planning this trip and I feel like I will be revealing myself if I give too much information.:D But you all seem to be great guys on this forum and since you all own CJs I guess the revealed secrets will be safe.
Here it is:

Preview Unpaved Roads

Have some fun - hit the dirt, maybe I'll see you out there.:chug:
I wouldn't put too much faith in the map. I see whole sections of Bald Eagle SF and Rothrock SF that aren't marked, yet have tons of dirt roads (maintain and non-maintained) in them. Did you check DCNR's website? They have a lot of good maps. Purple Lizard also has some good maps, made mainly for bicycle trails, that you can buy.
I'm back from an awesome trip. The CJ7 did great for the over 500 miles of the trip(mileage includes getting to & from actual planned dirt road journey). What Google tells us - length of time/distance from Damascus Pa to Ralston Pa - 2 hrs 46 min/161 miles via the state of New York. What Pa Dirt tells us - 2 days of driving (average 9 hrs each) / 198 miles(36 miles of blacktop, 162 miles of dirt) via the most direct dirt roads possible.

The trip began right away Thursday morning with having to make a hard decision of turning around on a trail because of the remoteness/difficulty of the trail. I did not want to end my trip so soon with being stupid. So I bounced back down the mountain and found another dirt road that was more compliant with what I was looking for. That was the only time that happen like that. I turned around plenty of times because of gates and/or posted signs.
Saw a ton of deer, turkey and backwoods cabins - no bear. I used 4 low a few times and the jeep handled all the terrain quite well. 18 lbs of tire pressure helps in gliding over rough roads, although I could feel it in my body when the day was done. I will try posting a few pics tonight or tomorrow(after I get them off the camera).
Here are a few pics. My goal is to get a video together. Never posted a video on the internet but there is a first time for everything.




Nice pics thanks for sharing.
If I may, a winch would be a handy tool to add to your rig, it could get you out of a bad situation, or remove debris in your path, especially when your wheeling alone.
I hear what your saying Posi. I may open a can of worms but I have a few negative thought processes against a winch. Some of them are:

-buy a jeep, slap a winch on the front and look at me I'm a hardcore jeeper when in reality the jeep makes it to the mall & back and that is about it
-an excuse to leave your brain at home because you think you can get out of anything

I agree as far as an unexpected turn of events can make them very useful. I have been looking into a heavy duty come along(yes I realize a come along is not a winch). At this point, when I am by myself I am pretty quick to turn around. May not sound fun to many but that's just who I am.
All that being said, as I continue to use my jeep, things may change and I may go that direction. I know as I continue on to the next leg of the journey, the roads/trails get more and more remote. Just trying to keep an open mind.

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