2nd Annual Colorado Jeep-CJ.com Trail Ride

Will you make it to the Jeep-CJ.com trail ride in Colorado?

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2nd Annual Colorado Jeep-CJ.com Trail Ride
This time in 2 weeks we'll be running a mile high!

Denver prides itself as being the Mile High City but we will never be that low. Ouray will be our starting point at 7800 feet above sea level. Two weeks from today we will be spending much of the day above 2 miles high! We will be going over Engineer Pass (12,798 feet), California Pass (12,930 feet), Hurricane Pass (12,407 feet) and Corkscrew Pass (12,217 feet) all in the first day!
This pic is near Imogene Pass (13,114 feet). That's one of the passes we will be on Tuesday.

Now if you flatlanders are worried about how your jeeps will run, my CJ was set up for sea level when I bought it and it ran these passes just fine.
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for exposure.
Denver prides itself as being the Mile High City but we will never be that low. Ouray will be our starting point at 7800 feet above sea level. Two weeks from today we will be spending much of the day above 2 miles high! We will be going over Engineer Pass (12,798 feet), California Pass (12,930 feet), Hurricane Pass (12,407 feet) and Corkscrew Pass (12,217 feet) all in the first day!
This pic is near Imogene Pass (13,114 feet). That's one of the passes we will be on Tuesday.

Now if you flatlanders are worried about how your jeeps will run, my CJ was set up for sea level when I bought it and it ran these passes just fine.
Thank you professor for that interesting and may I add educational bit of information. I stand corrected! So now, Mr.Wizard- will we be using jet fuel during our ascent? HAR! HAR!
So much for the Jeeps how are you guys going to do? You might want to bring some oxygen. :D:D:D
I had my pacemaker adjusted to run a bit rich.:D
Okay, only one more week!:banana:
I so need a vacation!
Last year I tried to get out into the mountains almost every weekend. Maybe jeep'n maybe hiking or whatever.
This year I have been way too busy with a new job and a new house. Can't wait to meat you guys and do some wheeling!
This is going to be fun.
Man, I'm so excited for you guys! I hope you all have a great time, are breakdown free, and everyone gets safely home!

I sooo wish I could make it this year, but next year is a lock, so I'm not pushing or anything, but are the dates set for next year yet????:D
are the dates set for next year yet????:D
Last year was kinda disappointing. This year got some good interest and I would like to extend this to (at least) a 3rd year.

As for a date, I have yet to decide but weather is the biggest factor.
Early in the summer the weather is great with little precipitation but at higher elevations it takes a while for the snow to melt. In May and June it's great four-wheeling at lower elevations but the best trails don't open up until the beginning of July.
Here is Cinnamon Pass in June:
As soon as the higher trails open up the trails get crowded. Last year the trail ride was the end of July but there were lots of other events out on the trails such as a Toyota FJ Cruiser convention.

This year we had a drought that lasted to the middle of July. Then it started to rain every afternoon. It still seems to rain every afternoon. (Participants of this year's Trail Ride beware! Bring rain gear). These rains usually stop in August so we might be okay.

Some of the best trail rides I have taken were in the fall. I took this picture on Black Bear Pass in the beginning of October.

It was great! No one around! Weather was perfect! It would have been a perfect week for a Jeep-CJ trail ride. BUT the weather is always unpredictable that late in the year. Deep snow could have canceled all trail rides. A week later it did snow.
Actually the weather is always unpredictable at the higher elevations. This is Imogene Pass on June 13th:

Snow like the above picture really shouldn't damper a trail ride. In town it came down as rain. I would prefer snow over rain but that's just me.:D
BTW after I took the above picture I had to turn around. Imogene Pass was still covered in ten feet of snow in June.:(

So the short answer is yes, I expect there to be a 3rd annual Colorado Trail ride. It most likely will, once again, be in late August. I think that's the best compromise between weather and crowd.
Last year was kinda disappointing. This year got some good interest and I would like to extend this to (at least) a 3rd year.

As for a date, I have yet to decide but weather is the biggest factor.
Early in the summer the weather is great with little precipitation but at higher elevations it takes a while for the snow to melt. In May and June it's great four-wheeling at lower elevations but the best trails don't open up until the beginning of July.
Here is Cinnamon Pass in June:
As soon as the higher trails open up the trails get crowded. Last year the trail ride was the end of July but there were lots of other events out on the trails such as a Toyota FJ Cruiser convention.

This year we had a drought that lasted to the middle of July. Then it started to rain every afternoon. It still seems to rain every afternoon. (Participants of this year's Trail Ride beware! Bring rain gear). These rains usually stop in August so we might be okay.

Some of the best trail rides I have taken were in the fall. I took this picture on Black Bear Pass in the beginning of October.

It was great! No one around! Weather was perfect! It would have been a perfect week for a Jeep-CJ trail ride. BUT the weather is always unpredictable that late in the year. Deep snow could have canceled all trail rides. A week later it did snow.
Actually the weather is always unpredictable at the higher elevations. This is Imogene Pass on June 13th:

Snow like the above picture really shouldn't damper a trail ride. In town it came down as rain. I would prefer snow over rain but that's just me.:D
BTW after I took the above picture I had to turn around. Imogene Pass was still covered in ten feet of snow in June.:(

So the short answer is yes, I expect there to be a 3rd annual Colorado Trail ride. It most likely will, once again, be in late August. I think that's the best compromise between weather and crowd.

:banana::banana::banana::banana::banana: I want to go next year jeep will be ready for it by then.
Oh yea, I can't wait till next year. I'm pushing to get her up and running by then.
I've been wondering how full my CO2 cylinder is. Even though it's not empty I had it refilled. Now I know I won't run out next week. I have enough for everyone. :D
I have a couple small things to do before Saturday but so far everything is go.:D:driving::banana:
Okay now, who's going?
Dan and Denise, I expect to see you two a day or 2.
IO, you've got a ways to go. Are you going to make it? I guess you will be leaving Saturday. Have a safe trip.
I hope you all have a great trip and a safe one. :chug:
We all want to see alot of pic's when you get back.:drool:
the only thing left to do is wire up the CB, I swear there is a higher power at work keeping me from having a two way radio.

anyway, check fluid and pressure drop the rear shaft on the Jeep and put it on the road, drive until I don't want to drive anymore and sleep should put me in the mountains on Sunday afternoon with no problem.

Like I said in February, Dave, the first round is on me.:D

I am in dire need of R&R.:chug:
Thursday I had 2 cancellations :( but I think IO is probably in west Texas about now. He's got 935 miles to drive and Google maps says that should take over 16 hours.
Dan (djohnbb62) lives less than an hour away from Ouray so I expect to see him a day or 2. He's got a '64 CJ5 so he's not interested in the rougher trails.
Today I'm rigging up a better way to strap down my CO2 cylinder.
This should be a lot of fun. The rest of you guys don't know what you're missing.
This should be a lot of fun. The rest of you guys don't know what you're missing.

YES we do, you don't have to rub it in. :D
actually I am still in Dallas, but worry not!!

It's not like I can run home and get the flux capacitor I forgot on the bench in the shop so lists have been made and checked twice.

I will be there tomorrow afternoon.:cool:

the 2012 alpine loop expedition begins.:D

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