Going Back in Time, Concerts From my Youth - My Favorite Times on the Weekend

Going Back in Time, Concerts From my Youth - My Favorite Times on the Weekend


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
Going Back in Time, Concerts From my Youth - My Favorite Times on the Weekend - Rocked out at the Lakeland Civic center or when the big concerts came it was the "Rock Super Bowl" down town! :chug:

The posts below are bands and groups I have seen but not the actual concert. Just songs I like... :punk:

Back when music was real! :tu:

Post yours!!!

Locomotive Breath - Jethro Tull

Figured I add Thick as a Brick...

Wow that brought me back quite a ways. Lucky enough to see JT once here.
Sabbath!!!! Miss Randy - one of the best... :chug:

One of the best intro guitar solo ever...

Heart - love the sisters!

And who can forget - The Loaf... Long live Meat and Jim Steinman, they made the rock opera! :punk:

Got married in Feb 1984 and saw Van Halen in July in Houston (belated honeymoon).

Bought my Jeep right about the time you got hitched. 84 was a great year.
Yea. My current rig is an '84 (so I can remember when my anniversary is) :)
Not an old singer but one of my favorites... Amy Lee She rocks.

Back to my concerts - I saw every 'Rock Super Bowl' in O-Town - 1977 started them - bands playing but not actual videos. The Silver Bullet was great, still have the t-shirt.

The Mac...

Seger - classic - 'Turn the Page'

Later in 77...

Then, my home boy - I'm from FL..

Hall and Oats - 78 vid but 77 concert.


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