D300 not shifting

D300 not shifting
Whow there is a lot going on in the design of the twin sticks you have. At this point you would have nothing to lose by pulling the whole mess (shifters) out and start with a blank slate. The Twin Stick most of us use is inexpensive at a little over $100 and you get something that you know ill work.
I'm not an engineer, but that second bend is robbing you of some leverage. Have you tried repositioning the linkage bolt one hole closer to the shift rail?
I'm not sure if this was mentioned before (forgive me if so, I didn't re-read all the way through). It is also very basic, which is sometimes where we forget to start.

Twin stick conversions that still have the safety "pill" / "pin" between the shifter rails internally need to be operated as follows:

The front axle shifter must be in Neutral to shift the rear stick between it's 3 positions. Once the rear stick is in L or H, the front stick can then be shifted between N and the same position the rear stick is in.

(the rear will not move from its L or H position until the front is placed in N position)

That is to ensure the front is not in low, and rear in high, which will damage your t-case.

Now if that's all good, and you still can't shift it, here's what I would do.

Start by locking in the front hubs (so when you move the tires, the front drive line will move the t-case gears) - jack up the vehicle (front and rear on Jack stands) and have a buddy over - give him beer (or cool-aid if too young for beer :D )

Then remove the linkage from the shifters to the rails (just have blank rails up front)

Remove the caps from the rear of the T-Case carefully if possible without damaging. They just press in, so twist back and forth and pull for a while may work, or may have to destroy them and tap in new ones after completed.

Grease the front side of the rails near the seal / case and the rear the same (should / may see some of the rail protruding slightly from the rear)

Work on getting the front axle shifted to N position. - Once there (N) move on. You may need to have a buddy spin the tires up front or spin the driveshaft manually so the gears in transfer case move slightly - that was the purpose for the buddy... not to just give away your beer to... :cool:

Work the rear axle rail between all 3 positions while re-greasing if necessary multiple times, until the operation is smoother.

Once rear shifts smoother, shift it to L - then shift the front between L and N repeatably until smoother (greasing as necessary) - re place shift rail for the front back into N

Shift the rear rail into H - then shift the front rail between H and N repeatably, until the operation is smoother (greasing as necessary)

Then put the front back in N and Rear in H. Replace the caps on rear of rails (old or new) and lower jeep back to the ground & Re install shifters to the shift rails - Take it for a small drive in H 2WD then work on playing with the shifting between all locations. (remember your hubs are still locked in 4wd up front - so no freeway yet.)

If this does not work, I would by a rebuild kit from Novak (or others, but I liked Novak's) and find a buddy with small shop press (i bought one, so much easier to work on some stuff) and go to town rebuilding. Mine shifts world better after a rebuild

I promise you will come out of this issue knowing way more than you do now about the transfer case :chug:
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To add - If you have difficulty moving the rails at first - a dead-blow rubber mallet and if necessary large brass punch may help. I had to get rather aggressive with mine at one point.

JR74CJ5 - really appreciate it. I'll try jacking it back up again and give it another go. The front is already in N so I'll try to get the rear into H like you said.

If I take out the shifters, which are a bit flimsy, and replace the rear shifter with a straight pipe for more shifting leverage,, what are the odds I break something if I really give it a tug to get into H? I've tried pulling/pushing pretty good and that thing has not budged at all, but with some more leverage who knows.

Even if I do break something...at this point it actually might feel good! (not on the wallet though)
JB makes a great product and reasonable too. I can't see how you'd hurt the t- case by pulling/pushing hard, the shifters are a different story

It turns out the shifters the PO had installed actually wouldn't allow you to shift into H - they would strike the bolts attaching the rest of the linkages instead. As soon as I took the shifters apart I realized it and rigged up another lever using some scrap metal/pipe. After some pretty serious banging and tire spinning the shift rail popped forward about an inch and a half, I dropped everything down and took it around the block. It's like I'm driving a new car. For the last month or so I've been chugging along in L (thank goodness it's usually around the block) and this is a huge relief.

Next steps are to install some shifters that actually allow you to shift, and as much grease as I can get on the rails. Thanks everyone :chug:
Whow there is a lot going on in the design of the twin sticks you have. At this point you would have nothing to lose by pulling the whole mess (shifters) out and start with a blank slate. The Twin Stick most of us use is inexpensive at a little over $100 and you get something that you know ill work.

After seeing the pictures of your arrangement that is EXACTLY what I thought might b happening. I'm glad your not going to need to tear into your T-case.

Your shifting levers look like they will work for you. There are several posts around the internet on making your own twin sticks, the trick is to attach to the ends of the shifting rods with enough looseness AND tightness to allow movement under all reasonable conditions. Look at the pictures supplied in this thread and I think you won't have any troubles.

If your not handy with a welder the JB's Twin Sticks are what most use. (Advance Adaptors and NOVAK use his kit) They are inexpensive and he has a quick turn around.
Yep you definitely called this one. I might try to grind part of the shifter down to make it fit but thanks for the reco on JB. I'll give it a whirl this week and if nothing seems like a real solution I'll go that route. Thanks for the help!

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