1980 Laredo purchase update and Pic's

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1980 Laredo purchase update and Pic's
If I were to sell it I will probably be asking somewhere around $6,000 , I quess I can expect to get hammered again now from others here.

Dario, I'm a bit confused about this comment. I have looked back over the thread for any instance where you have been "hammered" on over your Jeep. You asked what we though may be a FAIR price for your CJ, and taking the information given by you into consideration, we gave you that number. We here are Jeep CJ enthusiasts, not car lots looking to turn a buck on a flip. We have been complimentary on remarks over all, have offered help with any questions you may have regarding your CJ, and on one instance, a member offered to check the Jeep for you before purchase. Plus, you have been given a free venue to offer your Jeep for sale. The Jeep is yours, and you can set the price as high, or low as you feel the need to. That's your business. If you have been mistreated on this site, I encourage you to contact CJ, or myself by personal message with the improper posting so that we can address the matter. We run a friendly site here, period, and bad behavior is not tolerated.

If I were to sell it I will probably be asking somewhere around $6,000 , I quess I can expect to get hammered again now from others here.

Dario, I'm a bit confused about this comment. I have looked back over the thread for any instance where you have been "hammered" on over your Jeep. You asked what we though may be a FAIR price for your CJ, and taking the information given by you into consideration, we gave you that number. We here are Jeep CJ enthusiasts, not car lots looking to turn a buck on a flip. We have been complimentary on remarks over all, have offered help with any questions you may have regarding your CJ, and on one instance, a member offered to check the Jeep for you before purchase. Plus, you have been given a free venue to offer your Jeep for sale. The Jeep is yours, and you can set the price as high, or low as you feel the need to. That's your business. If you have been mistreated on this site, I encourage you to contact CJ, or myself by personal message with the improper posting so that we can address the matter. We run a friendly site here, period, and bad behavior is not tolerated.

A-Men to that brother!;)
Thanks for all the help , I'll leave B/4 I get bounced ( am I allowed to say bounced? ) for my poor choice of words that seem to offend some who read more into something that was written than was ment and than call it bad behavior! It makes me feel like I'm back in grade school.
Happy Trails Guys,
This is a 'discussion' forum... Unlike allot of forums, I don't 'bounce' people for civilized discussions.
Everyone has flareups from time to time, and not everyone is going to get along. Thats 'life. But being an adult means you deal with problems as such. I will take issue when a member, new or old, casts a disparaging light on our forum as a whole, such as "being hammered" by our members over what amounts to nothing. I, like all of you here, am a member of other sites as well, some good, some not so.. I beleive that our membership and venue is a winning combination and It's each of you that makes it work this well. By I simply gave Dariopop an invitation to resolve any mistreatment from a member he felt he was getting, and he was informed that we will not tollerate bad behavior from members. I'm not sure how he assumed that I meant him. He chose to leave on his own, but is welcome back at any time.
Thanks Dave, now that I re-read your reply I understand that I mis-read it , I thought that you were saying that my bad behavior will not tolerated. I apologize for the word " Hammered " poor choice of words for our disagreement on the value.
I was not actually going to leave , because this is a good site with loads of information , I was just going to read and not input my 2 cents.
I think you should keep it, as you said your wife likes the jeep and not your vette. You two might enjoy a little trail riding for a change. My wife likes to wheel as much as I do. Keeping momma happy is always a good idea.:)
I'm closing this thread because of some information I have received about this CJ that's for sale. I'm not comfortable with listing this Jeep on our site. When I have all the facts I will re-open it with this information.

I just want to say - 'Caveat emptor'...
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