trespassing problems. how do yal protect yals garage?

trespassing problems. how do yal protect yals garage?


Old Time Jeeper
Savannah, Georgia
'53 CJ3B
OK so i was in bed a while back and someone banged on my bedroom window and i looked outside and the door to my truck was open. luckily nothing was in it. A few days later i go out of town so i put up a hunting trail camera that takes a pic if it detects motion and doesnt flash and was completely hidden. i just had a friend go check my house and found the door was open and my $600 trail camera was gone. nothing was taken out of the house???

Im fed up with thieves and dont know what to do to keep them away or catch them. do yal have any tips to protect the man cave? these trespassers are on foot so tire spikes ect wont work. what kind of things can i do to keep them away tips, tricks, traps ect.

help me stop these worthless scums!!
I live next to a retired drug dealer, and he keeps the neighborhood in line. In 3 years, no one has ever messed with my stuff, and I am out of town a lot on weekends. See if you can find one to watch your place!
Meet Ruby. She keeps people honest.


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The first thing to do is go to walmart and buy 2 sets of motiion detected security lights. they cost about 40 bux each with tax. Place them in the general area you want to watch. This is a big deterrent for thieves. The next thing to do is go to ebay and search for a PCI DVR 4 camera wireless setup with night vision for your puter. Get the 1.2 ghz cmos cams and make sure they are conpatiable with youe OS and make sure they are the 30 led cams.. The last seup I bought cost 190.00 plus shipping. Warning.... Do Not Get The 2.1 ghz cams. They are more expensive and are no better than the cmos cams..... Hope this helps you like it did me. :)
I hate thieves. Even the thief of a $3 screw driver infuriates me. It's not the $3 it's the principle of it. I don't work hard just to have someone think it's easier to steal than to earn his own money.
Get an inexpensive burglar system.

Let me tell you a story.
When I was a young boy, many years ago, my dad rigged up a switch on our garage door. This switch would turn on a light over his bed whenever someone came into the garage. One night the light went on. He jumped out of bed with only his underwear on and ran out to the garage. A young teenager had some of my dads tools in his hands. He threw the tools at my dad and took off running. My dad ran after him thinking I hope a cop gets here soon. Then he thought "maybe that's the last thing I want". "I am an almost nude man trying to catch a young boy. I better let this one get away"
True story.
ruby is awesome. is that a blue healer or something? love dogs.

a retired drug dealer would be nice but i live next to a weird art teacher and college kids.

also i live in a rented house (college) so i cant have a dog or purchase an expensive security device.

i already have motion lights.. maby i need a few more. they were like 30 out the door at sears.

i think i have a security camera at my cabin that were not using anymore. i might use it.

busadave im right there with you i cant stand a thief even if they are only taking my pen. and thats a hilarious story thanks for sharing. i can imagine being a cop and seeing a half naked man chasing a kid down the street :laugh:

i honestly wont to hang some strings from tree to tree and dangle some nasty treble hooks from them about 4' off the ground all over my yard and see what kind of scums i can catch. and maybe barry some 2x4s in the ground that are full of rusty nails for them to stumble on hehehe
I keep my trunk monkey happy, well fed and ready for action! :)

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Seriously, I live a cul-de-sac so there is only one way in to my neighborhood and one way out. My neighbors are home 24 / 7 also...

I also make sure the alarm system is always on for the house and the vehicles.
hahaha!!! man if having a monkey was legal in GA id sooo have one!! like a spider monkey or something! they are very territorial too. my dads neighbor used to have one yrs ago and it used to kick dogs asses hahaha but it was so nice and loving to people
They are on foot huh. try the old viet-cong way of doing things dig you a 4ft deep hole fill it with sharpened bamboo spikes then cover the pit with a tarp then cover the tarp with leaves. I bet you'll catch yourself a theiving bastard. Just kidding that would be wrong, or would it. hehehehehe. ooh ooh you could do it the way kentucky weed grower does and hank fish hooks around your property from trees with high test line. Anybody wanna come over to my house?

Droooiiddd 2
sounds like a good excuse to try out that snipers nest you been wanting to try
They are on foot huh. try the old viet-cong way of doing things dig you a 4ft deep hole fill it with sharpened bamboo spikes then cover the pit with a tarp then cover the tarp with leaves. I bet you'll catch yourself a theiving bastard. Just kidding that would be wrong, or would it. hehehehehe. ooh ooh you could do it the way kentucky weed grower does and hank fish hooks around your property from trees with high test line. Anybody wanna come over to my house?

Droooiiddd 2

haha i thought about the fish hook thing but i think you can get prosecuted for "man trap" type stuff. id like to dig a hole straight to hell and cover it with a tarp and leaves :D

i wouldnt wish bad things to happen to someone like that but i just wish they would get cought and learn a lesson. they way the gov has it you really cant take any action but call the cops and the cops really cant do much either. it would be nice if they could just park a cop car by my house or in my driveway every now and then and they would avoid the area
She's a 100# Sable German Shepard

Hooks?? Interesting Love fishing

oh yea now i see it.. my fried had a good german shepherd and it was stolen and sold to a guy a few miles away for 20 bucks and he went and got him back and about 3 weeks later he disappeared again and still havent seen any sign of him :(
Own a gun? Seriously, a pump action shotgun works best.

Hop in the CJ and take off like you're going somewhere. Park the CJ at a friends house or somewhere public. Walk back to the house, leave all of the lights off, hang out and wait for the SOB's. You'd be amazed how quickly someone will evacuate their colon when they think they're getting away with something and they hear the distinctive, shwuck shwuck of a pump action shotgun, heck it doesn't even have to be loaded for it to be convinsing enough for them to never come back AR15firing.png
I have a big light over the driveway, 700 watts I think. I can read the paper in the front seat of my truck at night. Not into motion sensors just the light sensor to turn it on and off. been here 30 years with out ever having a problem, knock wood.
I suggest you get to know the neighbors, they are your biggest allies or your prime suspects.:cool: If some one just took the camera and nothing else, they knew it was there. Who did you tell??
I also have a dog that barks, not mean, just noisy.
I'm sure I have at least one drug dealer in the hood, as a general rule they like things quiet around the house.
I hear what your saying EW and agree with it, to a point.
I would never confront someone with an empty weapon, that could go wrong real fast.
If I did shoot someone I would always wonder if his life was worth a car stereo or a cell phone??
The law will always look unfavorably on use of deadly force with out a real threat to ones life even if they say you have the right to protect your property.
These are questions I ask myself and really don't know the answers to, but I have to ask them.:D

Oh yea and man traps and barb wire are illegal in residential areas, for that matter I think booby traps are illegal just about anywhere.:cool:

Own a gun? Seriously, a pump action shotgun works best.

Hop in the CJ and take off like you're going somewhere. Park the CJ at a friends house or somewhere public. Walk back to the house, leave all of the lights off, hang out and wait for the SOB's. You'd be amazed how quickly someone will evacuate their colon when they think they're getting away with something and they hear the distinctive, shwuck shwuck of a pump action shotgun, heck it doesn't even have to be loaded for it to be convinsing enough for them to never come back AR15firing.png
~ I would never confront someone with an empty weapon, that could go wrong real fast.

Valid point.

If I did shoot someone I would always wonder if his life was worth a car stereo or a cell phone??
The law will always look unfavorably on use of deadly force with out a real threat to ones life even if they say you have the right to protect your property.

IO, you are ever the voice of sanity smiley-char124.png
I know, and I hate that about myself. But sometimes you guys need a little adult supervision.:laugh:

IO, you are ever the voice of sanity smiley-char124.png[/QUOTE]
In the pic, youll see 3 cameras on my shop, there is one you cant see straight across from the large door hanging off another building pointed straight at the door, and 5 cameras in the shop. I have a PC that is a DVR that records what these cameras see. I can access and control the system via the internet.

I also have an exterior alarm system that lets me know in the house if anything outside is moving. At which point, I dispatch a highly trained German Shepherd dog to "investigate". I then follow up with a AR-15, with a 30 round magazine, and I have 5 more mags loaded at the door, in the event things gets out of hand.

The cameras really only record what happened, and provide maybe a little deterrent. I just wanted them. The alarm works well, the dog works very well.

With a little luck, the sticky fingers wont show up here and I dont ever have to find out if my preps are satisfactory.


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