Your worst stuck?

Your worst stuck?
Has that ACTUALLY happened to yourself?

I never thought watching a fuel gage go up would be a bad thing untill now!

Umm... [embarrassed]Kinda...[/embarrassed] I was with a friend and we were in his Commando and - yep - we got stuck. We worked on it for hours and when we went to start it, the tank was FULL!!!

Not good... We ended up hiking out and 'borrowing' a LARGE front end loader that was at a construction site... Did I mention I'm EXTREMELY good with anything that has to do with electricity (including ignitions)... :D
Well, we managed to get that stuck also! Spent the remainder of the evening and then night, digging everything out and just got the loader back as the construction crew was driving in... :eek:

Another misguided day of many in my youth! :cool:
as they say...

'pictures, or it didnt happen'

forgive me if I missed something but there is only one pic on this thread and its of a NOT stuck vehicle

where is the mud, and the sense of desperation/humiliation/or general 'oops maybe we really shouldnt have tried to get through there' stuff? ;)
LOL - I'm gonna come out and say it... You are NEVER going to get me to humiliate myself by showing pictures of me screwing up and stucking myself... :laugh: Well, maybe you could if I had em' :rolleyes:
well, no pics to show (cameras are forbidden where I'm working) but I used my F-550 to pull out a 12K forklift a co-worker decided to drive into a mudhole made by a skytrak today. That was fun, but made me miss my CJ something fierce. :(
But I get to go home for 4 days next week, so I'm happy...
Figured I'd bring this thread back up.
I was driving down a logging road when it started turning into a water covered logging road. I wasn't concerned, I was in a CJ7, had a v-8, had Ground Hawgs.
The water was only about 6" deep, what could go wrong. Well the road narrowed and I folded the mirrors in. Then I made a 90 degree turn and found myself staring at a dead end, no prob. I'll just back up, did I mention that 6" of water was a nice place for 3' high grass to grow. Well lesson learned, wet grass is very very slick. Even with those giant ground hawgs, I was stuck in 6" of water and 3' of grass and couldn't go anywhere. I ran the winch line up over the roll cage to a tree behind me and pulled myself to it. Then used it to make it turn and face the right way down the trail. Then spent the next 3 or 4 hours leap frogging all the way down a very long road in the dark. Once the tires had picked up a little clay and the wet grass and water, I was completely hosed. I sold the ground hawgs and picked up boggers, I conquered the same road a week later.

Pt.2 thinking I'm invincible with my boggers i'm riding down to the river to fish with my cousin, when I come upon a water hole about 30' by 15'. Now a little background the areas around the river flood during rainy times. Water holes are always deceptive, so I hop out and check it with a long stick, seems like a solid bottom, I should be good to go. I hop back in and drive about 10 feet into the hole when the bottom collapses and my cousin, the jeep and I are sitting nipple deep in water. It was a sink hole created by running water underground. I was in a hole with vertical sides. It took a very nice gentleman at a nearby logging site with a very large caterpillar dozer to get me out, making the hole all that much bigger.

I found a truck in the hole every time I went fishing, LOL.
Years ago I was building a custom house in a new tract of lots in the foothills. We worked late one day to catch up for lost rain days and it was customary for the boss to buy the beer when we stayed late. Well , after some beers we think it's a good idea to head up the hill where their still grading lots. We found a perfect mud bog cavern and decide to go for it in my 69 Bronco, and by we I mean me and my two dogs ( its standard proceedure for carpenters to bring their dogs to work ) with my co-workers watching from the graded road. First pass we make it through with little trouble but by the fifth or sixth pass I get stuck up to the top of the doors. Thats when the " Lads " want out and jump out the passanger window only to get stuck up to their bellies. I now at this moment remember None of my co-workers has a 4x and I dont have a winch and my freaking dogs are covered in mud jumping back in through the window... Oh yeah, this is in the mid 80's before cell phones were in everyones pocket, so me and the lads have to slept through the mud , climb out of the ravine to get a co-worker to drive us to civilazation to find a pay phone . My only saving grace was that one of my best friends worked the night shift for a towing service and was able to get me out with the winch on his wrecker. When I finally got home at 1am my then wife didnt see the humor in my adventure:rolleyes:. Women, go figure.....
So far, worst CJ5 stuck was pretty wimpy... Going up obstacle (concrete with rocks sticking out around it) hill @ Prairie City OHV park... First time trying out my new (to me) 1974 CJ5 Jeep - just bought this year, first one... Anyhow, Got about half way up and the jeep jumped sideways and died. Tried to start, jeep kept lurching forward... realized the linkage had bound up, jeep stuck in gear. (that will be changing real soon...):rolleyes:

Uncle went to the top of the hill and pulled me straight with his winch and it started and made it rest of way mostly under its own power... :cool:

The worst stuck though, Would have to be at same place (prairie city) in my old 84 Ford F-250 4x4. :rolleyes: Seen this nice looking mud hole, figured it was about 4' deep... Jumped right in... Well there was a pole attached to a concrete chunk sitting in the middle of it hidden ??? :confused: Hit it so hard that the front bumper wrapped around it and sunk the rear tires in mud hard...

No-one (7 different trucks full size) could pull me out. Then a little CJ5 came pulling up with a winch, and i don't know how, but this little beast of a vehicle did what no one else could, and that old guy made it look easy!

I was supposed to just be there to pull out my step brother while he was testing his new jeep out. Wouldn't you know he didn't get stuck except trying to climb a tractor tire, and guess where i was? That's right in that :censored: ing mud hole...

It was that moment I decided I would own a bad :censored: CJ one day!

~ JR
Ah i regress... I just remembered a funnier (now) one...

Was taking my girlfriend out to movies (high school days :rolleyes:) Right next to her house was a large field with plenty of big ditched hills etc... Played in this field at least 3 - 4 times a week...

Was running early and figured it would be cool / funny to pull up outside her parent's house with mud all over my 84 F-250 to take her out. Ended up getting wedged between the two sides of a 20" deep ditch / bowl. Both bumpers were stuck into the opposite sides.

Well i never made it to pick her up that night, she got pissed and cheated on me at some party so i dumped her :censored: and moved on to better. lol :cool:

My Grandfather had to come out and yank me out with my (now was his) 79 Ford F-250 propane beast and a very long chain... I remember him shaking his head and asking out loud "now how the :censored: did you do that??" and "when i yank up floor it and keep it floored so you dont roll, I'll pull you level..." Almost ran over my Cousin that night... (oops)

Still to this day he loves to tell the story and how ridiculously stuck i was at the bottom of this thing..

~ JR :chug:
I was stuck 3 times in my early days although only once did I need to get pulled out.

The first occurred on my very first outing with my brand new '83 CJ7, I was stationed at Quantico VA and promptly got stuck in the waterfilled rut of a tracked vehicle. Two of us and a quarter tank of gas managed to get it out.

Later in the winter I got high centered on a tree trunk with no traction on the frozen ruts, I ended up getting pulled out a couple of days later by a buddy in his CJ5.

Then there was the time I got high centered on the rocks on a decline in Arches National Park in Utah, I got out took a walk around, took some pics and then jacked up the back and threw some rocks under the tires, off I went.

It is a learning experience.
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well..... i have to dig back in my memory hahahaha back in the 70s. out here in western Pa they were putting up big electric towers and they had all that land cleared for the towers. well needless to say it is very hilly out here and we had a hell of a lot of fun....:cool:

we (my buddies i had) were about a mile from my house after a heavy rain, went out to a powerline to have some fun. well i had my blue 71 CJ5 and my other friend passed me up going down a hill and he hit 5 feet of silt. the light little CJ5 sunk like rock. there were 5 jeeps. one of course stuck, so there were only 4 cjs left to pull him out. and we ran stock cj5s no modifications. anyhow we wnt back to my hose grabbed all my cables and chains and shovels. we first hooked up all 4 jeeps to him..... yep that didnt work. so we decided to use a cherry tree..... strike 2 we pulled it over. on the 3rd attempt. we dug all around him to break the suction. after we broke the suction. and we hooked all four jeeps to him. we funally pulled him out. it was pretty crazy.

another time......

my buddies and i were on a famous hill out here called Blue Bell Hill, after the wild flower. anyhow we get to the bottom. and theres a fence. so we only have one way out....the way in. it was really really slippery. so we picked the lightest cj. we pushed him up the hill no by had and he took me home and i got all the chains and cables i could and we went out. that little cj pulled all of us out of that gully.

cjs are tanks. nuff said:D

last one....

going out an old Garbagedump i was stradding a ditch with a 68 CJ5, and the ditch caved in and i ripped off the spare tire, mirror and had to replace the fender.

cant relive those years now:( but it was fun while it lasted....

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