Roll Call ! Who is still here after the software shake up ? Report in

Roll Call ! Who is still here after the software shake up ? Report in
For some reason even after deleting cookies browser history etc. my computer continues to show server not responding. I’ve tried in both chrome and ie with no luck. Understand software shifts come with issues- just strange that an IP address fails to work unless I click on the cj build sub forum in a search result browser.
What IP are you tying? We are
While the switchover has been a thorough pain in the ars for CJ, on our end a good dose of patience goes a long way. At first I had some issues, but they slowly faded . A few folks are still having some problems, but they’ll be ironed out.

I AM gonna hafta speak to CJ about the down time. Caused me to buy a new rifle and ATN scope...... Where do we fill out expense reports to get em reimbursed???

Sent from right here.......
Glad you made it back, shum!

Sent via Google translate using braille through Tapatalk
I just joined the team awhile ago so I do not have issues with the new software.

You joined at just the right time. We switched software recently and it threw a grenade in many folks’ lap....... CJ has been expending Herculean amounts of energy to et stuff squared away...... you missed all the fun.

Sent from right here.......
you missed all the fun. :biggun:
Yep, days without being able to access what my wife calls Jeep porn, was like going through withdrawals. I was considering checking into a rehab place, but then just in time CJ came through and sated my addiction as well as others here.
Yep, days without being able to access what my wife calls Jeep porn, was like going through withdrawals. I was considering checking into a rehab place, but then just in time CJ came through and sated my addiction as well as others here.
You got that right. Missing this site is like coming down from some bad drugs. (so I'm told)
I'm back 👍
WTH happened, I thought the site was gone for good.😯
Petescj gave me the new location. Blame him 🤣
Sure would like to see him stay here.
His Jeep knowledge is vast.
He has helped many of us here.....
Today is the first time I've been able to get on in several weeks. Was getting a blank white screen prior to that. Started to get the shakes myself...
Does this mean petescj is not leaving?

Wait, what?? Did he say he was leaving? Can we tie him to something heavy? Like, really heavy?

It's like coming home again!!! Via Tapatalk
Wait, what?? Did he say he was leaving? Can we tie him to something heavy? Like, really heavy?

It's like coming home again!!! Via Tapatalk
He already left the building
I'm still back... things are getting better and better...

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