Summer entertainment

Summer entertainment


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1982 CJ-7 258 / T-18 / Dana 300 31 in All Terrains.
1978 CJ-7 304 / TH 400 / Quadratrac 32 in Mud Terrains
Well my work schedule has been strange this year to say the least. Its been alternating from being laid off to working 60 + hrs a week. Since Im waiting for the $3000 from my CJ5 to sink in my current Jeeps Vicki and I have taken advantage of some of that time off. First up was a weekend at Seaside Hieghts Nj. This was the first time in 8 yrs. we took a little vacation without kids!!


That of course led to adult entertainment at nite.

Then another free weekend came up and we decided to get away in Honesdale Pa.


Great time. This was a real getaway.


I was in charge of the cooking and sat back to enjoy the campfire smell.


What was for dinner?? Mmmm Charbroiled steak and potatoes of course.

Best thing about both of these little getaways was niether broke the bank. Camping was just awesome over the 4th of July and cost a whopping $12 / nite for the site. The beach was $5 to get on. Both trips were 2 hrs away gas wise. We splurged a little at the beach on the boardwalk and dropped about $125 on dinner and drinks. Camping was pure primitive other than the pool which was perfect for the 98 degree days. There you go. Take the Mrs. and getaway a little. She'll love ya for it!!
Its been really great to get away a little. I love our kids to death and always will , but it sure is nice spending that quality alone time. We were supposed to hit Niagra Falls but with work being so flakey we're opting for short little cheaper trips. Next trip of the summer is the big one though. All the kids plus more family down to Busch Gardens for 3 days then Virginia Beach the rest of the week. 1st time for Busch gardens outta the multiple visits to Va. Beach.

I'll post up some pics in this thread when we get back. We're all getting a bit older day by day. Find a little enjoyment outside the daily grind. ;) Alot of special moments came out of those weekends. Its amazing how enjoying each others company while out in Mother Nature can be. When I camped out before it was usually alone. Never again :chug:. Vicki loved it so much we spent an extra day. :D
I'm not a big fan of the beach, but that camp spot looks like a little piece of heaven! Good to hear you took some vacation time!

Only thing missing from that picture was a, oh I don't know, CJ!!! :D
getting laid off tomorrow we decided it was time for a extra long weekend in the mountains
So next week we are going go primitive camping towing the little green box and have a blast just vegging till I decide to organize my options of surviving the Obama Plan.
Together as a couple we're big on the beach. We go every year to Va. beach except 2 times when we hit Dewey beach in Deleware and Ocean City Maryland. Im bringing the tent to put on the beach this year though. It should work very nice they way we spend time there.:)

But I agree, your spot on about that campsite. Ive camped out plenty of times on Jeep runs and just for kicks , but we hadnt really done it together since way early in our relationship. And that was only once. Places like that are pretty abundant here in Pa. :cool:

We stayed away from the ones that had lakes because of the holiday weekend. We wanted a nice view and fairly primitive camping. There was running water and toilets not too far away. There were also spots for trailers with their a/c blowing further from our site.

The best part of it was that nobody really seems to tent camp anymore so we pretty much were all alone in our area. Out of the 12 "sites" that were in our area only one other got used. And that was by a very late arriving teen couple who were set up well away from us.

And finally no, no Cj in the pic. :( Dont think it wasnt thought of though. Niether one will be in the pics I post from Va. Beach either. But Im gonna make you a bet. The Scrambler is gonna get us out on our next real camping trip. And you can take that to the bank. ;)
I'm not a big fan of the beach, but that camp spot looks like a little piece of heaven! Good to hear you took some vacation time!

Only thing missing from that picture was a, oh I don't know, CJ!!! :D
Sorry to here that man. Your camping trips beat mine hands down though my friend. :notworthy: Where you going this time? Vegging out and relaxing is the way to go. Relax and regroup. And dont forget to vote. :D
getting laid off tomorrow we decided it was time for a extra long weekend in the mountains
So next week we are going go primitive camping towing the little green box and have a blast just vegging till I decide to organize my options of surviving the Obama Plan.
Sorry to here that man. Your camping trips beat mine hands down though my friend. :notworthy: Where you going this time? Vegging out and relaxing is the way to go. Relax and regroup. And dont forget to vote. :D
We are meeting 2 other couples for a long weekend, we normally camp 2 times a year with these guys, but this has been a interesting year for my with the entire cancer thing. Good news is that is now under the table and I am a survivor. Anyway we will be remore but at a place we can have a fire, so I will have the dutch oven collection out and make a few breads and a good stew on the tripod. Normally we do a thing we call the Big Bear Wine Tasting Club in late August that is a blast, we wheel for 2 days and then on Saturday we have a big blowout of diner and wine tasting, Next morning you can sell Excedrin at scalpers prices.
But this is going be a simple sit back and relax weekend. I am planning on paying 3 months of bills next week and spend a few extended weekends in the woods this summer. I am getting the shaft at work, they have 3 days of work here and there over the next 3 months for me, but that has weeks of time between them so it actually does add up to keep benefits up and a few hours toward retirement, but it screws me on the unemployment as I get 2 weeks and then am employed, then 3 weeks, et al.
I think though I really need the time off after this entire first of the year dealing with my health issues.
Im definately glad that you feel in better health. Youve always seemed to have a good head on your shoulders. Let me in on the "Surviving Obama for dummies " course though ok? Hey you could write a book and make some money till Nov.?? :D
But this is going be a simple sit back and relax weekend. I am planning on paying 3 months of bills next week and spend a few extended weekends in the woods this summer. I am getting the shaft at work, they have 3 days of work here and there over the next 3 months for me, but that has weeks of time between them so it actually does add up to keep benefits up and a few hours toward retirement, but it screws me on the unemployment as I get 2 weeks and then am employed, then 3 weeks, et al.
I think though I really need the time off after this entire first of the year dealing with my health issues.
getting laid off tomorrow we decided it was time for a extra long weekend in the mountains
So next week we are going go primitive camping towing the little green box and have a blast just vegging till I decide to organize my options of surviving the Obama Plan.

Enjoy the decompression time.
Sounds like a perfect time to finally do The Jeepers Jamboree.
Jeepers Jamboree Rubicon Trail 2010
And if any of you actually do this in the future, let me know in advance and stop by for a :beer:.

This year we are heading to the Oregon coast with my daughters and my mom. Not camping but staying in her timeshare. It will still be a great getaway since I normally only see my girls every two weeks. The wife and I are driving a day later than mom and girls. We are stopping on the way and taking a jet boat tour on the Rogue River.
At the end of summer I will be taking a solo car camping surf safari. That means, no tent and surfing a few spots in a day.
You got the right idea Pete,nice to get out and enjoy yourself and regroup:chug:
Baja glad your on the up swing and getting better.Keep the Faith:)

Like you said sit back and let the Obama plan disolve into history.The little man will always survive.:D
Well we hit Va. Beach for the annual summer vacation.


And I ended up with crabs :eek:


Next up is another camping trip next weekend. I'll take plenty of pics and their will be a Jeep involved in this one. :p
Back from another camping trip. Shartelsville Pa. this time. Glad that rear seat in the Cj is removable. :D So the Cj did make this trip. Now if I could just combine a wheeling/camping trip life would be perfect. :cool:



^^ you know you could do that if you planed better.^^
For instance we"re going camping & wheeling at Harlin over labor day.:)
I know. Money has been a little tight and thats part of the reason the camping trips are happening. They're cheep :D and enjoyable. While the Cj has been up and running its still not quite trail worthy. Some $$ should be coming my way after we move and its dedicated to resolving that issue.

^^ you know you could do that if you planed better.^^
For instance we"re going camping & wheeling at Harlin over labor day.:)
Pete, I am with you
Because of the economy teh CJ6 id trail ready and those small nagging problems to finish the 5 are there. So why am I complaining?
well remember, the 5 is suppose to be finished so the 6 can be on blocks getting a TJ frame and suspension. And it is money that olds me back.
SO I am wheeling a CJ6 with very little done to it but a lift and tires and letting that 5 I have been posting all the trick stuff I have done to it sitting in the drive way on blocks because of maybe 250 dollars I do have but refuse to spend till I am working again.
Yes vamping is cheap, and actually my preferred way to spend time off. Jeeping is a extension of my love to camp, not the other way around.
Camping is the best way Ive found to just relax and forget about it all. Im starting to feel the pinch of Obamanation now and we can only fix so much here in 2010. We still have another 2 years of this guy? Hasnt he ( and congress ) done enough damage already? Early dismissall hasnt sounded this good since I was in school. :D
I fear the Obama plan has me at a stand still
I have cut everything, I mean everything
sold the Rubicon, down to using the Chrysler crossfire for the wives DD (that is my sportscar but it is paid for) I am driving the CJ6 as my DD (I do not want that mileage on it) have no serius radio (no blues or Elvis channel)and dish network has no HD on it, I am still 1500 dollars negative each month so the trailer goes next and I must figure if bankruptcy is on the horizon. I got the news that I am not getting recalled to work in October as building funds are off till the economy improves.
At this rate, If I can cut another grand a month I can survive till the next presidential election.
Camping, as you said is my solitude. I can forget the world and have fun hiking, wheeling a little and cooking camp food.
I have always used it since a child to recharge, I think until we get someone in office who will help protect American Jobs, that it will become a major time for me as I know how to do it free. And I need the time alone to not start screaming at the stupidity of our government giving money to countries that are undermining our economyo they give our tax money so we can pay the taxes of the country underselling our jobs.
firetruck THAT

But I am a forgiving person, just do not let me get 10 clips of ammo for a ak 74 and invited to talk in congress. LOL no I would not.

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