Funny I grew up with / doing this and I'm still alive!

Funny I grew up with / doing this and I'm still alive!


Central FL
'72 CJ5, 401, T18, D20, D44, D30
'82 CJ8, 258, D300, AMC20, D30
Thought I'd start a thread about how could I still be alive after what I did while growing up and well beyond my teen years. :chug:

I have to admit that I did some serious damage to myself and my friends but there is no way in hell I would ever change a thing. Growing up as I did made me who I am and I am proud as I can be about that. My brother and I were terrors as my Father died when I was three and it was all my Mother could do to stave off a heart attack keeping up with us (punishment's cold be harsh - hot wheel tacks hurt :) .)

So here we go. Found a set of these in Mothers garage today (helping her clean out the past.) So much fun! :dbanana:


Got any war / fun stories or thoughts?
We decided to see if the tire track width of a CJ was the same as railroad tracks..... As it turns out, we were able to travel about 25 yards before they slipped of the rails. Driver’s side out, passenger side in. Since we were bright enough to try this in the snow, everything was wet - and slick as guano. We also were bright enough to try this on a fairly active line. We managed to get the rear wheels inside the rails, and the front out. Couldn’t get enough momentum to bounce out, and too slick to crawl out. And, here comes the train. Quarter mile out, and on the horn. We decided to try one more time, and if unsuccessful, we’d get out and watch the train eat the Jeep. Luckily we freed it on the last try.

I think if that occurrence often, and wonder how we could have been sooooo stupid.

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LOL - How old were you?

My next dumb death device, a Wrist Rocket... Man could that thing shoot!

LOL - How old were you?

College...... Old enough to know better

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I'm older and wiser now because God protected me when I was younger and more stupid. Had a '68 Camaro with a 327 in it and jumped the gap in an opening draw bridge in Kemah, TX (headed to galveston) because I didn't want to wait for the bridge to open and let boats through the channel.

I used the storm drains to stay away from traffic, could go for miles and only came upon the occasional sewer dweller.

There wasn't paint ball guns when me and my buddies did this. We all had old worn-out single cock bb-guns so we had bb-gun wars only rule no head shots. Worst that ever happened was had to pop a bb out from under your skin but hey war is hell.😆
That the same one my father had he still brags about it. Plan on get him one for his birthday. Funny thing is I'll be about 10min away from that shop tomorrow at work. Might have to check it out if I can get away.

I would not play war games with that one.😄
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That the same one my father had he still brags about it. Plan on get him one for his birthday. Funny thing is I'll be about 10min away from that shop tomorrow at work. Might have to check it out if I can get away.

I would not play war games with that one.😄
You are a Brother from another Mother... I was there a few years ago - it has not changed much. :biggun:
I ran across a guy a year or so ago online that rebuilds the old BB guns. I sent him my Dailey 880, and while it doesn’t hit as hard as the newer ones, it’s back to life. I have seriously considered stocking it in real walnut rather than that plastic :dung:

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A nice stock would look nice on it.

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