Help finding parts

Thanks for the name i am about to start restoring my CJ6 which has been dry stored in my garage for the last 15 years i am sure you know how it goes bought dream jeep encounter engine problem meet future wife buy house get married have kids jeep always gets put on the back burner. But i wont give up on it and now that i am in a position to start and not knowing what will need replacing i am looking at whats available and where to purchase so as to be as prepared as possible. Thanks again.
Oh hell, you're good to go then. It's just a CJ Jeep, and about everything is available new, or get it used from an old part out CJ. Good luck, and how bout posting up some piks for us! We LOVE to share in the misery!:D
Have you visited 4wheelparts site. I've heard there are affordable CJ6 jeep parts. The site might be useful for you. Check it out!

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